

Moving from the mind into the energetic and physical body, Bio Energetics is a therapy based on the principles of ancient Chinese Medicine. Designed to eliminate energetic blockages that interfere with physical healing, BioEnergetics assists individuals in achieving a state of enhanced wellness.

A form of Alternative Medicine that can provide many health benefits, but it is not intended to replace Conventional Medicine. It presupposes the understanding that living forms, humans included, are composed of two essential processes- biochemical and bioenergetic. Death is considered a separation of the two, health- an optimal balance.

Through the mastery of Qigong (life force exercises) practitioners acquire an empathic sensitivity to the way patients feel. It is best described as “an educated subjectivity” whereby the practitioner intuitively acquires knowledge of the locations where the Chi energy flow is impeded. The practitioner then proceeds to improve the flow of energy in the Bio-system described by Traditional Chinese Medicine as channels and meridians, the Chakra system and the nervous system of the patient. This energetic rejuvenation takes place through a process that resembles magnetic induction or resonance, and this energy is applied to the Bio-field of the body of the patient.

What is BioEnergetics good for?

BioEnergetic treatments are good for

  • chronic ailments

  • General physical conditioning

  • Symptomatic discomfort without a particular diagnosis.

  • Spiritual development

What does working together look like?

All sessions start with an initial consult to talk about your condition, any medical diagnosis you might have, and any questions about the process.

Typical sessions last 45m with a 15m period of rest afterwards similar to Savasana in Yoga. I am in training so sessions are offered at a reduced rate of $75 for an hour session.

My experience of BioEnergetics as a recipient and those of my clients is a state of bliss after receiving a session. 



It’s my goal that you feel comfortable with an understanding of my training and background in this work.

  • BioEnergetic Training with Anton Barashi from May-Oct 2019 with ongoing daily practices

  • Holonomic Healing Workshop with Ankuphara Melchizedek in 2019 with ongoing daily practices

  • Reiki 1 with Deborah Flanagan in 2017