Change Your Life - Take 100% Responsibility

In my last blog post, I talked about finding the places in your life where you feel like a victim. 

Once you’ve done that, now it’s time to take 100% responsibility for those areas (and your life in general). 

“You can have your excuses, or you can have your success,
but you can’t have both.”

Taking 100% responsibility eliminates external reasons for why you have not or will not succeed. It eliminates all the BS and stories that we create as excuses for why we don’t have what we want. 

It overrides any external circumstances from being a blocker from what you want.

At its most basic, it means you take on figuring out what’s preventing you from having what you want… and you experiment with ways to change it. Whether we’re talking about happiness, success, financial stability, addictions, relationship, eating problem, time issues, money issues, even past trauma. 

You might not get it right on the first try so I really mean it when I say experiment. 

And sometimes in between experiments you might have to figure out how to be in the situation that you’re in and increase your tolerance or ability to stay centered and aligned while it’s still happening. 

I also want to be clear you do not have to do it alone. 

That is one of the biggest myths our Western culture foists onto us. If you think about any top athlete or top tier performer, they have a team of people supporting them and evoking their best. 

100% Responsibility means that rather than feeling blocked or spinning out when challenging emotions and situations occur, you take a look at the situation (maybe solo or with a friend, therapist, or coach) and you start to figure out what gets to change in order to put you on the path towards what you want.

Nothing external gets to be a blocker - they become more like obstacles on an obstacle course. Something to be vaulted over, swam through, crawled around or avoided completely. 

Practically speaking what does this look like? 

  • If your relationship isn’t doing well, determining if you need to develop new habits or skills or if you actually just need to break up and move on. 

  • If your financial situation is challenged, do you want to ask for a raise? Get another job? Pick up a side hustle?  Start taking classes to head down a new career.

  • If your health isn’t great, how can you create more time to move your body? Can you sign up for a meal service? Or use tools like Mealime to Meal plan and take cooking classes?

  • If your family is an issue, can you share the challenge with them? Can you set boundaries with them or start to shape interactions more deliberately. In harder situations, do you need to break off communication in order to maintain peace of mind? 

If you do something and it doesn’t work, you get to do something else. 

Experiment with different techniques and approaches until you find what does work. 

At some (many) points this might not be easy. 

  • In order to prioritize exercise, sometimes I’ve had to get up at 5am, well before my toddler or wife might need something from me. 

  • In order to prioritize reading and learning new business techniques, I made the decision to invest $30,000 in coaching (more than I’ve spent on ANYTHING). 

  • In order to prioritize my personal coaching business I gave up a 6-figure paycheck to experiment with doing what I love full time.

“You don’t have to be perfect to start, but you have to start to be perfect.”

Taking 100% responsibility starts the cycle of exiting victimhood into your own personal power. This is the beginning step that produces everything after it.

A Visit To OG Sensory Deprivation Tanks; The Pyramids

In early February, I flew to Egypt for 3 days for a special event with a spiritual teacher from South America. A few friends invited me on the trip, and it felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the pyramids and learn about their ancient history. I highly recommend visiting them if you can. As the cradle of civilization, the Middle East has so much history and the Pyramids (along with Petra and Jerusalem) has quickly become one of the most inspirational places I’ve visited. 

Standing at the base of the pyramids in Egypt, I am in awe. 

They are massive on a scale that defies description. Keops, the Great pyramid, looms over Giza - reminding me of my smallness no matter where I am in the city. It was the tallest man-made structure in the world for thousands of years until the 1300s.

There’s a part of me that wants to climb and explore like a boy. There’s another part that wants to bow down and show reverence for what it took to create these massive structures. I want to simply sit in the sunshine and just be with them. It’s that exhilarating. 

During my trip there’s a few things that stand out. ..


My experience inside the King’s Chamber of Keops helps me realize that this was a temple for self-discovery and growth. While they became tombs, I had a definite felt sense that these structures had other uses prior to being claimed by the Pharaohs. As I climb a 30 yard 4x4 foot tunnel into the Great Gallery, I recognize this as an initiation of sorts. There are long, tight spaces that create claustrophobia. There are no lights, no sounds, no electro-magnetic fields. I am APART from everything. Sitting in this chamber, I can tune out the rest of the world and tune into myself. 


At the same time, I can’t help but shake the perception of what this pyramid would have been like to visit when it was functional. Covered in white, polished limestone and surrounded by the rich fruits of the Nile… lush greenery all around, palm trees, and the Sun reflecting off the pyramid. It must have seemed like paradise; something from another world to the pilgrims who visited. When I closed my eyes, I could imagine this over and over. Each time it made me smile. 

Pyramid Tunnel.jpg


I traveled to Giza for a special event inside the Great Pyramid and in the Sphinx. As I prepared to enter the small 4’x4’ tunnel up to the King’s Chamber for the first event, I heard a little voice say, “You already have what you came for.” I’d sacrificed meat, coffee, and alcohol three weeks prior. I’d been meditating, praying, doing breath work, and tai-chi every day to prepare. My body felt strong, light, and connected. What more could I ask of the ceremony to come?


In these types of events, setting the right container is important - clear boundaries, building harmony and cohesion, clear, strong guidance from the leader as well as openness to co-creation with the group. The facilitator becomes a shepherd of the group’s attention and energy for the benefit of all. 

During the first event in the King’s Chamber, I felt the lack of harmony of the group. Our meditation and singing never reached the beautiful apex that so many of the experiences I’ve had in the past do. People held back, I didn’t feel connected to them, and the singing reflected it. It made me incredibly grateful for the wonderful practitioners I’ve had the good fortune of working with in NYC and SF. I recognize their talents even more now. 

While location is important, the group itself is the largest instrument - if there is harmony then the experience has the capacity to be greater, more healing and more enjoyable. It was a good reminder for my work with EVRYMAN and for the upcoming retreats I’m hosting this year. 


Underwhelmed by the experience I paid for, I loved the experience a few friends and I created the next day. Our first Uber driver spoke perfect English so we hired him for the day and went to two other pyramids - at Saqqara and Dojser. We playfully explored both and ended our Pyramid tour playing a gong for hundreds of bats at the top of the Bent Pyramid. Yes, bats. And a gong. Rather than swarming us (as some part of my brain was convinced they would), they simply chirped along and continued hanging on the ceiling. 

I shared many of the photos from the trip on Instagram. Feel free to check them out there. 


A few quick highlights from the past few months

  • Spotify hired my good friend Dan Ryan and I to teach on Hypnosis & The Brain. We offer courses on emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and more for companies of all sizes. Thank you to Cassandra from WellBeings for helping us land this gig!

  • I’m launching a workshop series with master Coach/Facilitator John O’Connor to teach coaches how to use the depths of their own experience to coach from. It goes so far beyond the mind, it’s powerful stuff. Read more about our first workshop here. 

  • I’m currently building a curriculum to support men who are partnered with survivors of sexual abuse. If you’re interested in learning more or know someone who could benefit, let me know here

  • EVRYMAN has asked me to lead their April 3-5 Northeast retreat in the Berkshires with my good friend Dan MacCombie. This continues to be the most powerful group work I’ve experienced. 

  • I’m Coaching. I now offer ongoing coaching to help people achieve major breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives. The mixture of hypnosis, embodiment, mindfulness, and NLP has proved to be a powerful cocktail to creating deep insights and lasting change.